Thursday, February 21, 2013

An icy day....

Today in the Ozarks we had freezing rain blow in. I got up and made it to work only to leave after being there an hour. Living in the country is a blessing until the weather turns bad. Because of our hills we have to wait until the county road crew can plow the snow. Or on days like today we have to wait until it melts off so we can go anywhere. Anywhere as in work.....needless to say today was a bonus day off, which doesn't make me sad. I was able to make my laundry soap....warm biscuits from the oven and crochet 10 more hexagons for my afghan. I only have around 30 to 40 more to go!!!
My outdoor flag is frozen solid!!

The icicles on my bottle tree.....
The trees are bent over with all the exta weight.
My pray is that with more rain forcasted we don't lose power!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

When old friends leave us.....

Recently an old friend passed away. Her children now have the task of letting go......
One of items I was fortunate to receive was her whole collection of Workbasket magazine. The issues go back to 1963 through the early 90's. So many of the ads I can remember as a child and young adult. The 25 cent purchase price made me smile....
When looking at the dates I would think....that's the year President Kennedy was shot.......
I graduated high school......
The year my twins were born.....
All kinds of memories drifted by.
There are a lot of knitting and crocheting patterns.......

This yarn is very thick and made of cotton. I would never think of using it.....rather a neat display item..


Monday, February 11, 2013

afghan question.....

what to do......what to do......

do I do a lot of these.....
then do I add to these ???
hook 'em to these.......
or do the whooooooooole ball of wax at once ????
Oh but what a GLORIOUS !!!! fUN !!!!! WILD !!!!! WHIMSICAL !!!!!
COLORFUL hexagon bit of funnnnnnn......
Back to the original do you do it??